
About TICA

Vision and Madate
To promote efficiency and creativity in Thailand’s development cooperation.
To foster good relations and sustainable development in the international arena.
To contribute to the wellbeing of the global community.
1. Administer development cooperation on behalf of the Thai Government with foreign governments/agencies, international organizations, non-governmental organizations.
2. Administer assistance to and foster good relations with foreign countries in line with Thailand’s foreign policy.
3. Coordinate and advise on the policy concerning development cooperation. Supervise and integrate, where applicable, aid plans and projects from government agencies, private sector, and NGOs.
4. Coordinate, supervise, and build capacity for development cooperation plans and projects from the public and private sectors. Develop and implement strategies for development cooperation in accordance with Thailand’s foreign policy.
5. Administer official development assistance through bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation. Implement official development assistance according to Thailand’s obligation on development cooperation.
6. Administer human resources development cooperation and scholarships to foreign countries.
7. Follow up, assess, and publicize development cooperation projects carried out by the public and private sector and NGOs. Advice on further action for development cooperation.
8. Carry out other tasks as mandated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Cabinet.
“Manages economic and social development cooperation with neighboring countries and other regional countries, such as volunteer and specialist development programs. Scholarship/training"

Mission, Scope, and Goals
TICA’s mission is to advise on the government’s policy relating to development cooperation and to implement bilateral development cooperation projects with foreign countries, inter-governmental organizations, regional organizations, international NGOs, and other relevant international entities. TICA aims to undertake development cooperation according to the government’s foreign policy and foster good relations with foreign countries, especially neighboring countries.
TICA’s mission also includes supervising Thailand’s multilateral development cooperation strategy and implementation.
1. Plan, follow up, and assess bilateral and regional development cooperation strategy and projects.
2. Implement development cooperation projects in accordance with Thailand’s foreign policy and Sufficient Economy Principles (SEP).
3. Cooperate with the international community through bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral channels with the public sector, private sector, and NGOs.
4. Administer human resource development projects and grant scholarships/training courses/study trips to developing countries.
5. Update and integrate database on Thailand’s development cooperation from different government agencies.
6. Facilitate administrative matters relating to development projects such as tax privileges and exemptions, supervise budget spending in development projects abroad, as well as supervise foreign official development assistance spending for Thailand.
7. Carry out other tasks as required by the Thai government.
1. Contribute to Thailand’s security by maintaining good relations with other governments. Generate a positive attitude towards Thailand and foster good people-to-people relations.
2. Promote sustainability and sustainable development in other countries by sharing best practices, especially those concerning the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP).
3. Help Thailand’s public sector and civil society to operate at the international standard in development cooperation. Build on Thailand’s experience in working with development partners and international organizations, as well as to internalizing such experience for further development within Thailand.
4. Strengthen Thailand’s status as an emerging donor and partner for development, as well as Thailand’s role as a center for learning and sharing good practices on sustainable development in the international arena.
5. Synergize contributions and expertise from every sector to advance Thailand’s development cooperation undertakings.